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I am looking for a caretaker job for a building,can do bins and clean up building and premises and other handyman services..Can do admin and run errands tooWill lock up and close too.. 079 630 3322from Cristian..Please call or email
I am looking for a caretaker job for a building,can do bins and clean up building and premises and other handyman services..Can run errands and do admin work too..Will lock up and close too..from Cristian.. Please call or email me. 079 630
I am looking for a caretaker job for a building,can do bins and clean up building and premises and other handyman services..
As well as run errands..
Will lock up and close too..
from Cristian..Please call or email me.
079 630 3322
northredwolf@gmail.comCity Centre
City CentreI am looking for a caretaker job for a building,can do bins and clean up building and premises and other handyman services..can run errands and other admin work as well..full time or two/three days a week..Will paint the building too..Will lock up and close too..from Cristian..Please email 079 630 3322
BellvilleLooking for any caretaker work,part time two/three days a week or full time..
I can lock up and open premises,building, do bins and other handy man work..
I can run errands too..
Looking in the Century City, City Center or West Coast.. call or email me please
From Christopher.. 079 630 3322
Montague GardensSavedSave
I am looking for a caretaker job for a building,can do bins and clean up building and premises..All handyman services..
As well as run errands.. Will lock up and close too.. 079 630 3322
OtherI am looking for any caretaker work,to clean bins,lock up and open premises, can do other handy man work and run errands.. Century City..I can do admin work too..079 630 3322from Cristian..please email me,
Century CitySuccessfully Added to List
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