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Vat Registration R5750 (2 days)
Reason for Reporting
Company Registration- R750
Non Profit Company Registration- R1500
Director/Member changes- R650
Shareholder Certificates- R350
Company/CC Restorations R3500 (2 days)
Shelf Companies R2500
Conversion from CC to PTY
Company Name Changes
CIPC Annual Returns
Vat Registrations R5750 (2 days)
PAYE Registration R1500 (1 day)
Import & Export Registration R3500 (2 days)
Merging of Customs Code
Income Tax Registration R850 (1 day)
Workmens Compensation Registration (COIDA) R1000 (1 day)
Sars Representative R1000 (2 days)
Tax Clearance
Company Income Tax Returns
Personal Income Tax Returns
Financial Statements
Management Accounts
VAT201 Submissions
EMP201 Submissions
EMP501 Submissions
SARS Objections/Disputes
B-BEE Affidavit
Letter of Goodstanding
Psira Registration
Over 17 years experience.
Please feel free to
contact me should you require assistance with your accounting needs.
Contact/Whatsapp: 078 627 0618
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