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Layer chicks(lohmann brown chicks)
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KBD HATCHERY now has Lohmann brown day old chicks available.
With the current egg shortage, high demand and steep egg prices, now is the ideal time to become your own boss and start your own egg production business .
The Lohmann Brown is known for its excellent egg laying abilities . The Lohmann Brown is of a hybrid origin and was selectively bred from New Hampshire’s and other brown egg laying breeds. They lay between the age of 20-24 weeks but can start as early as 18 weeks, laying about 1 egg per day and up to 320 brown eggs per year. Eggs are normally laid in the morning . They are also a very inquisitive breed and quickly becoming tame and friendly.
Most Lohmann browns have a caramel/brown shade of feathers, with white feathers in a pattern round their necks, and white feathers at the tips of their tail feathers.
Let us help you start your egg production business with healthy, happy hens .
Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at KBD HATCHERY and our friendly team will gladly assist.
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