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Looking for a Mother’s Helper
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26 days ago897 views
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General Details
Advertised By:Private
Company Name:home
Job Type:Full-Time
Employment Equity:EE/AA
Closed for now
Looking for someone to help a homeschooling mother with driving and therapy exercisesivinf in Flamingo Vlei, Tabke View, we are a homeschooling family- I as the mother, would be home too much of the time.
Monday- Friday, 7:30-13:30, two Sundays a month 8am-13:00
We have a domestic worker so no cleaning required
Our four children you’ll be helping with range from five year old autistic, ADHD twins (one mostly non- speaking and the other is very talkative and happy and plays a lot ) to nine and ten year old boy and girl who are very cheerful and entertain themselves
You would assist me with supervising their lesson or playing with one while I teach the other, doing child movement exercises with them etc
You’ll take the children to their various therapies, go to the park and on random drives. (Attend vision therapy sessions with two of the children possibly)
Hang laundry on Sundays and just keep them safe while they play
Might be required to change one five year old’s diaper on Sundays
R10 000 per month
Please contact me via private messenger and I will send you my email address for your CV and copy of your driver’s license.
Police checks will be conducted
Id Subtitle 1309865549
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Thandi Nkomo
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