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Shrimp Winter Sale
R 30
Reason for Reporting
Cape Shrimp & Aquatic Plants', check us out on Facebook
If you see this add it is available !
All shrimp are bred with us so they will not be stress casualties from international or local shipping. All pictures in this add are taken of our shrimp.
With every shrimp order we will supply a portion of Round Pellia !
Minimum order 5 of one type
Neocaridina shrimp
Sakura culls - R 15 each, minimum order x10. Please see our add pic of culls. The colour of the culls varies hence them being culls and many looking like ordinary cherries . The difference being that for the most part they are first generation culls so can breed out some real beauties like their parents, as well as more culls. As they mature we have found that our so called culls can develop into a great red :)
Sakura - R35 each or 10 for R300.
Dream Blue culls R25 (please see photo of the culls)
Bloody Mary culls R 25, (first generation culls so will also breed out a % of better looking Blues or Bloody Mary to selectively breed from)
Malaysian trumpet snail R10 (a useful addition to any shrimp tank, they eat surplus food and prevent gas build up in the substrate)
Shrimp leaf pack R140 an assortment of beneficial dried leaves and cones
for your shrimp tank, includes catappa, wild guava leaves & bark, mulberry, loquat, stinging nettle & European alder and leuco cones.
We are not a walk-in public shop, collect in Constantia on week days,
week-end collection by special arrangement please.
We also supply several shops and mail order outlets.
Please check out our ' Aquatic Plants Winter Sale Gumtree advert, many of which are great for shrimp tanks, these include mixed moss,Round Pellia (subwassertang) (R35), Phoenix & Cameroon moss (R60) .Duckweed (removes unwanted nutrients from the shrimp tank)
Cape Shrimp & Aquatic Plants', checks out on Facebook
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