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Aquatic Underwater Plants Winter Sale

R 40

3 months ago699 views
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We currently have the following plants available, great for low tech shrimp or high tech CO2 aquascaping tanks. The names of the plants are on our


Collect in Klein Constantia, southern suburbs, Cape 'Town or arrange with your own courier and we will pack it for you ...

Please check us out on Facebook Cape Shrimp & Aquatic Plants

R25 Duck Weed (excellent for shrimp tanks with removing unwanted nutrients and nitrates)

R 40 Round Pellia (subwassertang), Hydrocotyle tripartita, HM / Hemianthus Micranthemoides (Pearl weed), Riccia Fluitans (currently in stock

again although limited amount)

R55 Cameroon moss.

R70 Needle Leaf Java from R45 to R350 , depending on the size

R100 (medium) African Bolbitis Heudelotii (jumbo R200, small R65),

R100 Bucephalandra Malawi

Minimum order R100. Please don't ask for plants that are not advertised currently, we update this list regularly.

We are not a walk-in public shop, collection - Constantia Southern Suburbs ,

Id Subtitle 1287408856
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