Back to search (Western Cape > Helderberg > Adopt a Pet > Adopt Dogs & Puppies> ad 1308059761)
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Grizzly: super playful, very trainable around cats,beautiful temperament and a kind heart
R 1,350
Reason for Reporting
is an absolutely beautiful female pup that has been surrendered to our
kennels. She will be a medium size when fully grown.
She gets on very well with other dogs, is very trainable around cats,
and loves people of all ages including children. She is super playful
and thoroughly enjoys her toys and treats. She is a very sweet natured,
fun, friendly and affectionate puppy with a beautiful temperament and a
kind heart.
Please whatsapp message ONLY Clare on 0836974759 or email to adopt.
We try to keep the ads updated, but please note that our Gumtree posts are behind real time and kittens might be booked for adoption.
General: Adoption application, Adoption approval, Home inspection and mandatory sterilisation application
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