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JOB- I am looking for a stay in helper/ nanny
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I have two toddlers, they go to crèche, I need someone who will help me with preparing them for school in the morning, when the kids are at school you will then proceed with house work making sure the house is clean and doing laundry if required, when the two toddlers are back from school with me you will assist with bathing them and maybe playing with them a bit before bedtime.
You will be staying with me and the kids, there is no man in the house just the two toddlers (4 and 5) and my son his 14. It a 3 bedroom house.
You will share meals with us, you will have two weekends in and two weekends out.
I am looking for someone who can speak English and has experience with kids
Start R2200 after two months R2500
If you are interested message me here on gumtree
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